Trees, flowers, and other plants are many times very expressive subjects. It can be a joyful, cheery, and colorful flower in the spring or maybe a gloomy and dark tree in the winter.

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Desert Chivalery Saguaro cactus in bloom

Green Fortress Agave with "trapped" small yellow flower

Claret Cup Claret Cup cactus in bloom

Cactus Flowers Prickly Pear cactus flowers

Beauty and the Beast Organ Pipes cactus and brittlebush flowers

Rainforest Maples Moss covered maple trunks in Hoh Rainforest

Fall Trees #1 Maples in autumn colors at Mount Rainier

Fall Trees #2 Maples in autumn colors at Mount Rainier

Winter Trees New snow on trees at Skyline Lake

Smith's Spring Fall color at Smith's Spring in Guadalupe National Park

Bluebonnett Blanket Blanket of Bluebonnetts near Llano, Texas

Columbine Lily Also called Tiger Lily, at Hurricane Ridge

Autumn Blanket Washington Park Arboretum

Lupines and Paintbrush Wildflowers in Mount Rainier national park

Bloodstar Bloodstar starfish on kelp

Waiting for High Tide A row of starfish on Rialto Beach